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Re: Language of ERB's Barsoom

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 8, 2000, 21:44
Jeffrey Henning wrote:
> So if you have a > conlang in the future, give your characters 4- or 5- part names!)
In the Empire, the normal pattern in First Name (Middle Name) (Middle Name) (Surname) Assigned Name Birth World - a number of races didn't have surnames when they became part of the Empire, and no one forced it on them; however, in the Late Imperial Age, it was quite rare not to have a surname, surnames were often created by these races. The Assigned Name is a name that is given by a government agency on your birth-world. It's also quite common to have two middle names. Thus, 6-part names are quite common.
> All pages on my site use *.htm, since I prefer TLEs.
What's a TLE? -- "If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." -- C. S. Lewis