>On Sun, 1 Aug 1999, Tom Wier wrote:
=CD!=B8=01L=CD!This program cannot be read in DOS mode.
$ PE L=01=08 =03:=D41 =E0 =0E=01=0B=01=027 =16 =1E =06 =
=9F=10 =10 0 @ =10 =02 =01
>> N N t!pd:
>> > 1 odr chalenge 2 trad!z!onl theor!ez ov knouledge komz 4rom fem!n!zt
>> Is anyone else having a lot of problems with N N's posts? Mine
>> always come out like the above.
>This appears to be normal for N N.
>To read through one of his messages
>requires the right frame of mind.
cezt quo! +?
>His phonology is consistant but his
>perspective is consistantly lost because it is easier to reach for the
>delete key.
non +? humanz !=3D posez 1 ef!z!ent del ke! +?
>because it is easier to reach for the
>delete key.
prec!z +? !t =3D eaz!er 2 reach 4 del!et ke! due 2
humanz !=3D posez 1 ef!z!ent del ke! +?
>Despite regular complaints about the way he writes and
>presents language he persists. I commend him for that,
1 !=3D abl 2 trvl aga!nzt 1nz dez!rez +?
>presents language he persists. I commend him for that,
This appears to be normal for N N.
alorz zlalom __.. I think
>but I think
of us,
>many of us,
>but I think
cezt ta faute.
1 !=3D abl 2 trvl aga!nzt 1nz dez!rez +?
I think
>'dze h!er organz!m =3D 0+1 OSErr" +?
1 ef!z!ent del ke!
>1 !=3D abl 2 trvl aga!nzt 1nz dez!rez.
>I think his messages are not getting across.
dze l!terar! zkolar k
=3D d!zkusez + kr!t!zez !n `h!z` book dze death ov l!teratur -
`!t =3D would not b 1 eczageraz!on 2 ztajt dze nouvelle kr!t!kue
=3D haz b!n 1 egal!tar!an revolt kontra author!t! ov dze wr!tr + dze book
!n dze na!m ov dze readr + read!ng.
uear 1nz autorz - uar konz!drd gen!ousez !nzkr!b!ng truth !n grajt verkz ov =
jetzt dze! =3D dklard 2 b ultra mort. uear grajt bookz uar thought 2 embod!
prec!z + autonomouz mean!ngz - rad!kl kr!tcz =3D hav deklarat bookz empt!
ov mean!ng !n dze!r oun r!ght.
l!beratd ov dze reztra!ntz ov autor!tar!an autorz + tecztz
dzat =3D kn trl dze!r oun mean!ngz tzo dze argumnt =3D trvlz [kntrl]
readerz =3D ma! kurntl! perm!t ccccelv !ntrztz + !mag!naz!onz free re!gn.
=3D l!beratd l!f energ!e.
et auss!. du =3D ma! not!sz. cezt ta foute.
ma!z all wh!ch =3D undrztood =3D uarth<
> Lo! thy dread empire, Chaos! is restored;
!t =3D 2 destro! dze tendenss+e 2wardz klass!kl + neoklass!kl eku!l!br!um + =
1 neu d!zeku!l!br!um - 2 enga!j !n dze prozesz ov kreat!v deztrukz!on
- dzat =3D dze role asz!gnd 2 dze !nnovatorz !n 1 b!t soc!et+e.
> Lo! thy dread empire, Chaos! is restored;
relat!v!zt!kc effektz bg!n zett!ng !n
> Lo! thy dread empire, Chaos! is restored;
repet!z!on =3D teachez humanz ___... quo! +?
> Light dies before thy uncreating word:
> Thy hand, great Anarch! lets the curtain fall;
d!fferent!al d.ka! on 0+1 dezolate plane ov debr!z
ccccellofane spasz
!nhab!td w!th !mmater!al 4rmz enkloz!ng
komplecx !nternl referentz
ccccelf-konzeptual!szd 4mat!onz dzat =3D
flatl! abrogate object!v anal!s!z
(Petronius Arbiter 60AD)
> We threw ourselves into bed and spent the
>remainder of the night unmolested . . .
2 dze far left !nfo data =3D trvlz zo freel! !t =3D frozn !n t!.me +?
ut!l!z!ng 1 komputr 2 eczplor dezentral!szd z!ztmz =3D zrtnl!
!1 neu !dea +?
r=EAi =3D to stare lovingly into someones eyes
v=E9:lin=EA: =3D mixed good\evil done for a good purpose
za: =3D nonverbal communication. transient non-fatal errors
soc!al zkanner !rena.s kaput.
\\ b!t evolut!on w!ll kom s!lentl+e - !n z=10v+k=10d.
- art!kl nummer 0+28. anti[c]m9ndfukc.com. =3Dma!
kontakt m9ndfukc_arkiv@m9ndfukc.com 4 komplet l!zt!ng [x]
0\ zve!te[z]!ztem