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Words of the day: 'box' and 'bolt'

From:Mark P. Line <mark@...>
Date:Friday, May 28, 2004, 20:33
Christophe Grandsire said:
> En réponse à Philippe Caquant : > > >>I heard "tailler une plume" too. The normal meaning >>would be "to sharpen a pen". Maybe "une pipe" is more >>common. > > Once again, you're proving to me that you speak a very archaic form of > French. I never heard "tailler une plume" for whatever meaning you're > saying. *Nobody* refers to a pen as a "plume" except in poetry and in the > set phrase "nom de plume": "pseudonym".
1. The expression is metaphorical (or was originally metaphorical); "plume" is not being used to refer literally to a pen unless French men have some rather transhuman anatomical features I don't know about. 2. Even if you have never heard the expression, others have (besides Philippe): 3. Google is your friend. :)
> And yes, I may be definite about that, but I have the weight of experience > listening to speech nearly everywhere in France.
So, you look back upon a lifetime of wandering the French countryside listening to people talk about blowjobs? -- Mark