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Re: The Melting

From:Nik Taylor <yonjuuni@...>
Date:Saturday, May 24, 2003, 1:41
Sally Caves wrote:
> That's so familiar! Much of my early Teonaht was pulling the words out of > the air.
Same here. My first conlang had probably a couple thousand words, I would just come up with a word and that would be the word. It was also easy to make the grammar. I decided "They say X this way" and that was official. Now, I often struggle with figuring out a construction or word for hours, sometimes days.
> You need a friend. An ammanuensis. A go-between. You need to get into a > relaxed state of mind, pencil and pad and paper in hand, and let that > go-between dictate to you. I've heard that this is how remote viewing works > best, if you believe in that sort of thing. You need to view remotely your > Rozhendi people and hear their voices. I've got a friend who writes that > way. She opens a door, and the events and the people are there and talking > or they aren't.
I get that occasionally. For example, the other day, I was working on figuring out the map of Uldii, the continent on which the Kassii live, and I "heard" a high-ranking military official proposing a war plan to the Empress against the Kalpanian Empire, one which I'm now pretty sure was adopted, and pursued very successfully, to the point that almost the entire Kalpanian Empire was conquered by the Kassii, giving them access to rich silver and gold mines, and allowing the Empress to restore the currency to pure silver. I'd known before that they somehow got those mines, but had no idea how the war worked, or even where the Kalpanian Empire was. :-)
> Ah ha ha ha !!! I think there's a reason why we come to conlanging and > conworlding at the age of twelve. Language awakening, sexual awakening, an > awakening to reason and politics and structures, and sexy peoples. My major > change at age twelve, after two years of making baby Teonean for my heaven > cats, was to put the heaven cats in heaven and turn the Teonim into young > men I could fantasize about, all in tight-fitting very audacious clothing: > earrings in their ears, their long hair braided with silver and copper > thread.
Hmm ... my people have always been aliens, who were discovered by humans in early incarnations (the Kassii are now completely separate from Earth). There's never been any sexual undertones to them.
> Well, exactly! Go look at my Teonaht city: >
I have visions of the traditional (pre-Imperial) village, and visions of "modern" cities, many of them enormous, sprawling, urban conglomerations, with tens of millions of inhabitants. The Kassii have a strong preference for clumping together, possibly dating back to their evolutionary past when they needed safety in numbers to defend themselves against the myriad predators, and to assist each other in child-rearing and food-gathering. They still have an ingrained fear of open spaces, especially at night, and of forests in particular (their ancestors were shore-dwellers). However, I'm very unclear on the cities of Imperial times, or of other intermediate periods. -- "There's no such thing as 'cool'. Everyone's just a big dork or nerd, you just have to find people who are dorky the same way you are." - overheard ICQ: 18656696 AIM Screen-Name: NikTaylor42


Sally Caves <scaves@...>