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Re: Kosi grammar sketch

From:Trebor Jung <treborjung@...>
Date:Wednesday, August 25, 2004, 21:29
Roger írta: "I was struck by the large number of Indonesian words.  Is there
some underlying theory that the Kosi came in contact with Austronesians when
(at least some of) the latter were roiling around in western China or the
East Asian steppes? Or did you think nobody would notice?  ha ha  :-þ"

LOL. I've toyed with different ideas, but thanks for that. :P My original
idea was that it was spoken on another planet, Kosia, and there had been
immigrants from different parts of Terra, and a pidgin had arisen because of
the language barrier. Kosi creolized and became Modern Kosi. But your idea
would make Kosi fit in well with other LLL langs...

"Oysters are a fine thing, so are strawberries: but mashed together?"