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Re: Kosi grammar sketch

From:Levi Tooker <lrtooker@...>
Date:Saturday, April 24, 2004, 22:31
--On Saturday, April 24, 2004 5:58 PM -0400 Trebor Jung
<treborjung@...> wrote:

A very interesting lang, although I have two comments to make: 1) Syllable structure is (C)V(C), yet the genitive of 'has' is 'hast'. 2) Basic word order is VSO, yet the relative clause precedes the noun. I don't think there are any natlangs that work that way, or if there are I haven't heard of them. VSO languages tend to be head-first, so they usually have certain traits like prepositions, post-nominal adjectives, and post-nominal relative clauses. The tendency to put relative clauses after the noun is so strong that even SOV languages (which are usually head-final and often strictly so, i.e. Tamil or Japanese) often place it there. Levi Tooker