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Re: Kosi grammar sketch

From:Elliott Lash <erelion12@...>
Date:Wednesday, August 25, 2004, 2:19
--- Trebor Jung <treborjung@...> wrote:

> I'd like to present the gazillionth version of the > Kosi grammar sketch. It > now has almost 350 entries in the dictionary, and > things have changed since > April when I presented this language last. > > > > Comments?
Hm..I liked it. I like Finno-Ugric Languages, they were big inspiration for Silindion and a source of some loan words (as was unconscious and conscious borrowings from Quenya, and deliberate Indo-European borrows) ....I was especially surprised to see Silindion listed as a source of some words. I take no offense at you taking my words, and I think it's pretty cool. I searched your vocabulary for cognates and borrowings..and came up with an impressive list. I think most of them are chance similarities, common Finno-Ugric borrowing or common Indo-European borrowings. I'd like to know which of them are directly from Silindion: 1) Kosi: antah- "to grant" Silindion: antandiello "to dedicate" anta "granting that, if" ante "granted that, since" antanampra "generous" Old Nindic: antha-r "he gives" 2) Kosi: behi "cow" Silindion: voni "bovine" Nindic: bo "herd" 3) Kosi: dme "tomorrow" Common Nindic: *du@ me "that day" Silinestic Root UD@ "DAY" (slightly a stretch) 4) Kosi: dom "hill" Silindion: lumpa "slope" (l and d sometimes alternate in Silinestic root words) 5) Kosi: e "not" Silinestic Root GE "NO, NOT" Silindion: ei "he did not" (negative auxiliary) e-allo "to not do X" 6) Kosi: et- "understand" Silinestic Root: ID "KNOW" Nindic: iddi "to know" 7) Kosi: hari "stone" Silindion: kira "stone, rock" 8) Kosi: ildis "star" Silindion: el-ion "evening star" olos "stary' el-kanu "star host" 9) Kosi: kirja "boat" Silindion: krima "ship" West Silic: kilija "ship" 10) Kosi: kohim- "lie down" Silindion: koimiello "to lie down" koima "bed" (from Greek I think... keimai "I lie down") 11) Kosi: kula "gold" Poetic Silindoin: ulti *go:lte: Silinestic Root: GEL "GOLD" 12) Kosi: lak- "ride" Silinestic Root: LAK "RIDE" Silindion: lanka "horse" layello "to ride" 13) Kosi: nae "big" Silindion: nai "great" naini "more" 14) Kosi: nehit- "increase, augment" Silindion: neityello "to increase, augment" 15) Kosi: nomjosau- "to give a name to" Silindion: namariello "to be named" namiello "to name" 16) Kosi: o" "night" (sorry for not putting the umlaut over it) Silindion: yomme "night' Silinestic Root: YO "NIGHT" Silindion: nimyo "night-bird" 17) Kosi: sek "chair" Silindion: sikos "throne" 18) Kosi: sim "eye" Silindion: tilma "eye" Lannelka (Northern Silic): silm /siwm/ 19) Kosi: sol "sun" Silindion: sule "orb in the sky" Nindic: sul "orb" 20) Kosi: ves "water' Silindion: vatha "lake" So...which ones was I right about? Elliott Lash __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around