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Re: Correction, I hope, of M/C URL

From:Jeffrey Henning <jeffrey@...>
Date:Friday, March 17, 2000, 2:50
> > One minor quibble: Tokana has not been in development for "decades", > > as you assert. The only decades-long conlanging projects I know of > > --those of the artlang variety, anyway--are Teonaht and (I think) > > Amman-Iar. Tokana is only about 7 or 8 years old, by my reckoning
Depending on the definition of "decades": Denden (1984), Odonion (1981), Talossan (1980s), Voksigid (1980s) Verdurian (1978) Those celebrating 10th anniversaries this year: Andorian, Delason, Picture Language, Of course, nobody beats Teonaht (1962). Of course, most of us weren't even born in 1962. :-) Links to all these at I always knew I asked the date for a reason, just wasn't until this moment that I found out what it was! My first language was Karkrak, but its an embarrassment really. I worked on it from about 1979 to 1992, but it was in an obscure database on the Mac, and nothing will read its file format. :-( Best regards, Jeffrey Henning - Invent Your Own Language "If Bill Gates had a nickel for every time Windows crashed.... Oh, wait, he does!"