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Tshena - my Turco-Latin-Chinese hybrid conlang

From:Rodlox <rodlox@...>
Date:Thursday, January 27, 2005, 18:22
accent marks are lacking in this post.  hopefully, that won't yet matter.

 please comment on this.
..even if its just to say "quit while you're ahead".

Like the Uighurs to the north, the Tshena are a Turkic people living on the edge of
China. In many Tshenale yorts, they still tell tales, slightly mythologized or
embellished, that hark back to a great battle fought by the ancestors of the
Tshena; after that battle, they journeyed all the way to their present home,
where they settled. That battle corresponds to the Battle of Carrhe under the
leadership of Crassus.

Crassus [Roman]  = Krases [Tshena]

Tien Shen Mt. + Roma = Tshena

No hard /g/, only the soft Turkish /g/ remains.

/le/ means /all/, while /-le/ means /people/

divide ve han = divide and rule

alterin = alter ego = another self

egues Tshenalein = the Tshena cavalry
atler Tshenalein = the Tshena cavalry
(from 'Eques Romanus')

yort = yurt

clepsydra [Roman] = Klipsid [Tshena]...a waterclock

kuk [Kyrgyz] = khoh', khok' [Tshena]......a knot, a binding knot, a leather knot.
{in Cyrillic, KOK with a horizontal line through the O}.

regnat Tshenale = the people rule
regat Tshenale = the people rule

bal [Hebrew] = bal [Tshena].....lord, minor lord.

'Tshena' likely was not the original name for this creole people, unless one posits the
existance of a pre-Avar & pre-Gokturk expansion of Turkic peoples from the Tien
Shen Mt.s.

Some of the survivors of Crassus' army had been Hebrews, and they brought their
religion with them. Citing a God-given one-generation exemption on the
passes-through-the-matriline rule, their Judeism (Judiysn) survived better than
its travelling companion of Sol Invictus -- which lingers in Tshen art {a sun
disk surrounding a holy figure - such as the Buddha - or holy object}, and in
words for light and brightness.

There are (turns of speech?) in Tshena as well; such as /yortle/, denoting a person
who is content to never move around much or wander or explore; and /tezdudle/
{from /testudo/} denoting a person who is happiest on the march -- this is
closer to the word for /nomad/ and /nomadic/ than to the word for /mercenary/.

The /e/ in /decim/ is a rising tone, making the word mean /to remove/; had the /e/
been a falling tone, the word would have meant /to kill # of___/.


Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>