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Re: Language changes, spelling reform (was Conlangea Dreaming)

From:H. S. Teoh <hsteoh@...>
Date:Thursday, October 12, 2000, 13:11
On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 11:10:26PM -0400, Robert Hailman wrote:
> I've never encountered someone who was (to my knowledge) speaking > Korean, tho that's more because I never bother to find out what > languages people are speaking more so than it's because there are no > Koreans in Toronto, I'm sure there are quite a few. I'd like to learn > more about Korean, I should add it to my list of "Languages I Want to > Know, but Probably Will Never Learn", where it will be accompanied by > Polish, Icelandic, Finnish, Swedish & Japanese.
[snip] Hmm. There's a Korea-town in Toronto, where Korean is definitely spoken by lots and lotsa people every day... and there are a lot of Korean-speaking people around Toronto in general, too. I happen to be living with a bunch of 'em :-) But I understand why you'd think it wasn't spoken if you don't know it... I never realized that a lot of people in Kensington Market speaks Portuguese until a friend who spoke Portuguese clued me in to that fact. I just knew they were speaking *some* language I didn't know; never thought it'd be Portuguese! :-) T