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Some more Madzhi grammar

From:Frank George Valoczy <valoczy@...>
Date:Sunday, March 17, 2002, 23:28
Well, here is some very preliminary grammatical info of Madzhi, mostly


Nouns have two numbers, singular and plural. There are 15 cases. The
declination table is this:

                sg                      pl
Nominative      (no marker)             -k, -@k
Accusative      -n, -@n                 -k@n
Dative          -v@n, -@v@n             -k@v@n
Comitative      -l, -@l                 -k@l
Translative     -GIg, -Ig               -kIg
Adessive        -t, -@t                 -k@t
Allative        -R@n, -@R@n             -k@R@n
Ablative        -n@l, -@n@l             -kn@l
Abessive        -dzats, -Idzats         -k@dzats
Inessive        -rd, -@rd               -k@rd
Illative        -r@n, -@r@n             -k@r@n
Elative         -rl@, -@rl@             -k@rl@
Excessive       -K&n                    ---
Sublative       -j&h                    -kj&h
Superessive     -dZ2l, -@dZ2l           -k@dZ2l

The Ablative also serves as a partitive.


Adjectives are not declined, They precede the nouns they modify.
        Comparative: Ablative of noun + positive
        Superlative: -nuv


Ordinal numerals are made with cardinal plus -It

Collective numerals: cardinal + -2n

Attributive numerals are identical to the cardinal, and the noun that
follows it is always in singular.


        1sg     2sg     3sg     1pl       2pl           3pl
Nom     am      nag     Tav     mien      nien          Tien
Acc     anym    nag@n   Tav@n   mienan    nienan        Tienan
Dat     an@vn   nan@vn  Tav@vn  mien@vn   nien@vn       Tien@vn
Abl     an@mn@l nag@n@l Tav@n@l mien@vn@l nien@vn@l     Tien@vn@l
Com     an@m@l  nag@l   Tav@l   mien@l    nien@l        Tien@l


Verbs hav an indefinite and a definite conjugation.


(j\ = curly-tailed j)

                1s      2s      3s      1p      2p      3p
present         -j\ym   -j\yn   -i      -Ev     -ijIn   -Ex@t
past            -izym   -izyn   -iz     -EzEv   -izan   -iz@t
conditional     -yvym   -yvyn   -yv     -yvEv   -yv@n   -yv@t
imperative      ---     -@n     ---     ---     -an     ---


                singular object         plural object
Present 1s      -ijym                   -ijanym
        2s      -ir@n                   -ijan@n
        3s      -dze                    -ijane
        1p      -iruv                   -ijanuv
        2p      -ir@n                   -ijanIn
        3p      -in@r                   -ijan@l

Past    1s      -@Kym                   -izanym
        2s      -@K@n                   -izan@n
        3s      -@K@                    -izane
        1p      -@Kuv                   -izanuv
        2p      -@Kan                   -izan
        3p      -@zan@r                 -izn@r

Condit  1s      -yvrym                  -yvanym
        2s      -yvr@n                  -yvan@n
        3s      -yvdze                  -yvan
        1p      -yvryv                  -yvnyv
        2p      -yvran                  -yvan
        3p      -yvn@r                  -yvn@r

Imper   2s      -Erd                    -Eg@n
        2p      -ard                    -En

Infinitive: -gvE
Past participle: -m@
Present participle: -nEK@
Gerund: -jimzi
agent: -ja
deverbal noun/adjective: -pa

Verb derivation:

causative -dz-
frequentative -r-, -d-, -glar-
inchoative -lt-
momentaneous -nt-
reflexive -IgdzatS-
noun to verb: -l2tS-

I'm not certain about word order yet, but I think it's fairly free, within
limits, meaning, different word order stresses a different thign, like in

What do you think?

More later.

Ferenc Gy. Valoczy

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send
peace, but a sword."
 - Jesus Christ, in Matthew 10:34


Patrick Dunn <tb0pwd1@...>