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Re: periods of the day

From:M.S. Soderquist <mia@...>
Date:Thursday, May 29, 2003, 15:17
At 09:22 AM 5/28/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>This last weekend i invented the periods of the day for Minyeva. They center >around four points of the day: sunrise, noon, sunset, and midnight. > >fabo: 'night' (midnight - sunrise) >coce: 'morning' (sunrise - noon) >mega: 'afternoon' (noon - sunset) >pito: 'evening' (sunset - midnight)
Alyador has a similar set of words, but they are based on the daily activity cycles. xana: 'morning', dawn to 11am (waking and morning rituals time) xensa: 'day', 11am to 7pm (work time, the most active part of the day) tanda: 'evening', 7pm to 10pm (rest time) yensa: 'night', 10pm to dawn (sleeping time) There are a set of matching names for girls reflecting their time of birth: Xanari, Xensari, Tandari, and Yensari.