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TANGENT: Animals

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Friday, September 24, 1999, 2:06 writes:
>I don't get to see many bats or any other wild animals... I live >in a very populated suburb.
Well, where I live, we still have wild lands right up to the edge of my city, so we often see many wild animals. Most common are raccoons, skunks, deer, opossum (like big ugly rats), mice, snakes, lizards, coyotes, foxes, vultures, hawks, and lots of other birds. It's nice until they get into your trash or sneak into your backyard and almost spray your dog (as is the case with a skunk that often visits my backyard. I know its there because I can smell it :). So this kind of ties in with the nature of the list, have any of you actually concentrated on names for animals in your conlangs(earth animals or otherwise)? I havent yet, the only one i have is bat (ladontaro) .