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Re: dutch ipa

From:Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 14, 2003, 12:40
 --- Jake X skrzypszy:

> Does anyone have a link to a site with Dutch spelling > and IPA transcriptions of the sounds? It's become a > crutch... I can't stand those horrible ASCII bad descriptions > of sounds anymore... and I want to know how to better pronounce > this list's official language...
Well, I think Eamon's links should do. Let me just add, that if there is any particular piece of text you want to hear, I can always make a .wav myself. --- Roger Mills skrzypszy:
> Another related question-- is anyone familiar with Dutch > pronunciation/spelling ca. 1910? The reason I ask is, in one of the regional > Indonesian language dictionaries I'm working with, the writer devised an > orthography based entirely on Dutch spelling, but with some mysterious > additions (like vowels with macrons alongside double vowels).
No, Dutch definitely has never had any macrons. AFAIK Dutch spelling around 1910 was not any different from the spelling before 1946, but if you want I can always check; I don't have much literature about Dutch spelling itself, but I have thousands of books, including many Dutch books from the 16th century onwards. On a related (?) note: --- Roger Mills skrzypszy:
> bastu2 ??? looks IN but isn't AFAIK
This is probably a stupid question that everybody knows the answer to, but I have always been wondering: what does this _2_ mean in Indonesian? Jan ===== "Originality is the art of concealing your source." - Franklin P. Jones __________________________________________________ Yahoo! Plus For a better Internet experience


Eamon Graham <robertg@...>
John Cowan <cowan@...>