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-an, -ian

From:Muke Tever <alrivera@...>
Date:Thursday, January 20, 2000, 15:33
>> English is no exception: for any placename, I can derive an adjective and a >> noun (usually identical in form) using one of a number of suffixes: -an, > >I've noticed an odd tendency for some words that end in -a to change the >-a to -ian, as in Florida -> Floridian [in fact, when I was a child, I >thought Florida was spelt "Floridia", with the second _i_ being >silent!], but America -> American
Adding -ian to America would have to be *Americkian or it'd sound like "amerissian", which nobody would stand for... I haven't the faintest idea how to make a proper place adjective for my town "Collegedale"... The only one that makes proper sense sounds too much like "colleged alien". *Muke!