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Re: Will

From:Sylvia Sotomayor <sylvia1@...>
Date:Monday, April 17, 2000, 5:19
At 00:53 04/17/2000 -0400, you wrote:
> >From: Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...> > >Subject: Re: V2 (plus =?iso-8859-1?Q?G=E9arthnuns?= serendipity) > > > >DOUGLAS KOLLER wrote: > >> But isn't "will" intimately tied to the notion of "want" > > > >Historically, yes. But not today. If you say "I will" you mean "I will > >do that", not "I want". In Modern English it means only "future tense". > >Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, won't you join the dance? > >I think most of these 'denatured verbs' like 'will' still have the original >meaning in their concept, although they see different usages; it's part of >how we can have constructions like 'I got finished' replace or live with 'I >have finished'. > >What's the difference between 'will' and 'shall'? > > *Muke!
I just finished reading this fascinating book on this subject. It's called The Evolution of Grammar: Tense, Aspect, and Modality in the Languages of the World by Joan Bybee, Revere Perkins, and William Pagliuca copyright 1994 U of Chicago Press 0-226-08665-8 In it, the authors discuss such things as the evolution of future tense from modals of obligation and desire. And yes, they do retain a shred of their former meaning in some contexts. Shall is an old obligation modal that turned into a future. Will is a not quite as old desire modal that has turned into a future. Both obligation and desire are often used to signal intention, and intention in turn is used to predict the future. At least, that is their theory, and they do quite a bit of cross-linguistic analysis to back it up. Fascinating stuff! Sylvia -- Sylvia Sotomayor Kélen can be found at "In the beginning was the word. But by the time the second word was added to it, there was trouble. For with it came syntax..." John Simon, Paradigms Lost