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Re: THEORY: Trans. excercise! (was: Re(2): THEORY: Natural language change)

From:Patrick Dunn <tb0pwd1@...>
Date:Wednesday, September 22, 1999, 4:12
If you can understand this, you know too much.

epe hane nelomashoa  pazhepizha ze, oepe hane nelobizha nepete.
if  you to-through-know this(I), then you

E = emphatic
I = inanimate

epe = if (epe must be followed by "than", oepe, in the standard dialect)

hane = you (optional)

ne-lo-mashoa = you are clever to . . . it (an idiom meaning "to be able,"
essentially; only finite verbs in hatasoe can take prefixes, which is why
the -lo- , objective inanimate prefix corresponding to "ze", is here and
not on the next word)

pazhebizha = to understand (literally "to know throughout")

ze = this (inanimate)

bizha = to know (a fact, not a person)

nepete = too much, excess, an inanimate noun and also the polite way to
refuse a second helping.


Now, it's back to Auden and the rigors of grad school.  BTW, I'm proud to
announce that I did not have to invent a single word to translate this
