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Re: 'and' clitic in Latin (-que) and Kalaallisut (-lu)

From:Ian Spackman <ianspackman@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 14, 2004, 20:32
>Which of the following sentences >are correct in Latin: > > Brutus venit Caesarque vincit. > Brutus venit Caesar vincitque. > >Or is it only possibly if the head is first: > Brutus venit vincitque Caesar. > >Or maybe only: > Brutus venit et Caesar vincit.
>Of the above, only "Brutus venit Caesar vincitque" is ungrammatical, I >believe. -que always follows the first element of what's being >linked. This is apparently a common behaviour of clitics >cross-linguistically, surprisingly - they tend to be first, last or *second*.