>On 21 July, Dan Seriff wrote:
>>Some of you may remember several months ago, when several people
>>translated the phrase "If you call me insane again, I'll eat your other
>>eye." (which was in my .sig file at the time) into their own languages.
>>Well, I've finally gotten the time and motivation to webify it, and it's
>>up! It's at
http://members.tripod.com/microtonal/language/insane.html">. Check it
>>out, and submit your traslations.
Bahasa Indonesia: Kalau kamu sebut saya gila sekali lagi, akan makan matamu
yang lain!
Non-native, of course; but not too bookish I think. Follows the English
word order quite closely. Of note: se-kali 'one-time', lagi 'more, again';
pronoun 'I' unnecessary in the 2nd clause; akan 'future tense marker',
mata-mu 'eye-your', yang 'relative marker', lain 'other'. (kamu and -mu
are familiar forms; the {e}'s in this case are all [@] )