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Re: ASCIIifying

From:Joe Fatula <fatula3@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 6, 2003, 6:13
From: "Robert B Wilson" <han_solo55@...>
Subject: Re: ASCIIifying

> > But how do I ASCIIify them? (And have them still look decent...) > > does this language have <ae>, <oe>, and <ao>? if not, how about:
And that's a problem I forgot to mention. Razdiat has |ae|, |oe|, and an occasional |ao|. I suppose I could write |aw| for a-ring, as the sound of "raw" in general AmerEng is the one I'm writing with a-ring, for |w| is currently restricted to being after |d|, but if some new change strips the |d| from it...
> acute underdot acute+underdot > a: a a' .a .a' > e: e e' .e .e' > i: i i' .i .i' > o: o o' .o .o' > u: u u' .u .u' > æ: ae ae' .ae .ae' > o: oe oe' .oe .oe' > å: ao ao' .ao .ao'
Hmm... other than the |ae| problem (as you foresaw), this works rather well. And I can type in acute-accented letters directly, so Razdiat (a-acute-underdot) could be |.á|. In the same way, I could write æ (145) for the a-e, and Æ (146) for the majuscule, but I don't think o-e is standard ASCII. If I'm mistaken, then this should be an easy problem to solve. A-ring is å (134) and Å (143). This language doesn't use |c| in its transcription, which leads me to think that perhaps |ce| would be good for the o-e ligature, as it looks somewhat like it already. Cf. ce, CE and o, O. azn.ath /aznaxT/ - language, voice efrån /ef4On/ - to make something estcér /est24/ - other, different melces /mel2s/ - manner, nature th.un /TuGn/ - part, piece How does that look?