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Re: ASCIIifying

From:Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 6, 2003, 21:59
Mark J. Reed wrote:

>Latin-1 continues >with the inverted exclamation point (¡) in position 161, the cent >sign (¢ - a terrible oversight that it was left out of ASCII) >in position 162, etc. >
Not really. The pounds sign (not the hash, the English currency) was more of an oversight than it. It's entirely clear what 20c means. People use c in handwriting (I never put a slash through it, and people that do are in the minority, at least in Australia). Mostly when talking about cents, you'll have dollars accompanying it, and then you don't include any reference to the cents: $3.95. It's more of a waste of a good character when you consider that the French oe ligature was left out...
>As I type this mail I have the ability to include any Unicode >character within it, but of course that doesn't do any good if >the environment in which you read email doesn't support Unicode. >Email is still largely an ASCII medium, although most folks have >support for at least Latin-1 and probably a few other character sets. >
And don't forget that I could include character U+0A1F, GURMUKHI LETTER TTA, in this email all I wanted, but it wouldn't do me a bit of good because I don't have a font that supports it. -- Tristan <kesuari@...>


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
John Cowan <cowan@...>