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Re: Ugly in ascii was: RE: Re: Introducing Paul Burgess...

From:Tristan <kesuari@...>
Date:Saturday, March 15, 2003, 0:27
Jean-François Colson wrote:
> Can I use my own fonts with LaTeX? I mean: for my conlang I'll use a > specific script. Could LaTeX mix it with Latin letters?
Yes, you can. LaTeX can generally use TTFs if it has to (but that's something like using a homeless person who only knows how to drive automatic cars to drive your incredibly expensive manual car, except without the cost or the likeliness to crash). These also may not work properly in Adobe Acrobat (which will use a TTF installed on the system before it uses an embedded one, which means that you get the wrong characters because the TeX character set is different from Unicode (or even ASCII) and possibly don't work in things like DVIs or PS. What you really should do is wait until Christophe has written his Metafont tutorial. Then you can learn how to write a *good* font which has all the features LaTeX supports. Tristan.