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Re: YAC: Widse -- a conlang based on Ygyde

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 29, 2003, 12:20
En réponse à Tristan <kesuari@...>:

> > > It's the easiest, most sensible way of making it inflexional that I > could think of. And anyway, much the same reduction happens in the > middle and ends of words. >
Not as much as it seems to reach the onsets :) .
> > > Oh indeed! But considering how evil I am, where's my sidekick? >
Well, actually, you are *my* sidekick! Before you can reach my level of linguistic evil, you'll have to work a bit more ;))) . Mwahahahahahahahaha!!!!
> > > Orthographically, yes. But having the same thing evolve different > ways? >
Look at French, which evolved Latin /e:/ into /wa/ or /E/ without rhyme or reason ;))) (there is *really* no rule).
> > > A bad pun. A round tuit = Around to it. >
No wonder I couldn't find it in online dictionaries ;)))) .
> > > It sounds remarkably like Etabnanni is essentially Tibetan done badly. > (There you go John, another essentially for you.)
LOL! (Started out with
> lots > of generally less-weird consonant clusters, but its syllable structure > is ... CVC with a tone! The tone is determined by the consonant > cluster > as well, though the rules aren't especially complex.) >
Well, you've indeed reinvented Tibetan, although Tibetan is quite monosyllabic, contrary to Etabnanni :) .
> > > Maybe Andrew did better than he knew ;) >
LOL! I only wish that Maggel would be Proto-World ;))) . Christophe. Take your life as a movie: do not let anybody else play the leading role.


Tristan <kesuari@...>