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Re: Vulgarity

From:Kristian Jensen <kljensen@...>
Date:Thursday, June 3, 1999, 4:34
Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> >I think I'd have to think a lot about what would be vulgar in >Denden. The little translation of a Monty Python line doesn't >really count... What's giving me difficulty is the difference in >culture.
I know what you mean. This is why I said I have yet to go that far. My conculture has to be really developed before I can even start considering potential vulgarities. I recall Matt once saying that the Tokanas would feel quite insulted if someone told them that no one was going to be around to position their body in a fetal position upon death. This was something I had in mind when Bryan asked about vulgarities in our conlangs. -kristian- 8)