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Re: Vulgarity

From:Boudewijn Rempt <bsarempt@...>
Date:Thursday, June 3, 1999, 6:36
On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Sally Caves wrote:

> > > It's the humorous reitierations of unfounded aspersions on the virtue > > of ones opponents parents that are so tiresome and vulgar... > > You mean like "Your mother's so fat" jokes? But I love those! >
Ai! Typo here - I mean humor_less_... But out of curiosity, how does the obesity of ones mother mean she's of easy virtue? As an aside - once an American teacher told me he was shocked by the vulgarity of the common Dutch swearing vocbulary - which is full of shit's and fuck's, even for three-year olds, I'm afraid. What he apparently didn't realize was that everyone was simply aping what they heard on television. And since those words are foreign, they don't have any real meaning in Dutch. In Denden, when you want to swear, you can simply use the name of a god or goddess you don't like (and more importantly, that your own preferred gods and goddesses don't like). Boudewijn Rempt |