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Re: Vulgarity

From:Boudewijn Rempt <bsarempt@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 2, 1999, 21:02
On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Kristian Jensen wrote:

> > > Go ahead! -and that includes everyone who can. I'm curious to what > vulgarities different conlangs can muster. When a conlang can > already express vulgarity with its own flavor, then it must be well > developed. I have yet to go that far. >
I think I'd have to think a lot about what would be vulgar in Denden. The little translation of a Monty Python line doesn't really count... What's giving me difficulty is the difference in culture. Things sexual are seldom seen as vulgar by the speakers of Denden. Being possessed of an admirable system of sewers in most of their cities, they are not really fixated on excrement as a source of vulgarity. Increment on the other hand, especially of capital, is seen as excellent. No abhorrence of the nouveau riche in Broi. Not spending your wealth, but hoarding, it, that would be abhorrent, but since not spending wealth you have is not something the vulgus can practice a lot, that's not vulgar either. Praying to the wrong gods is injudicious, but nobody elses business. I think I may have to pass on this. Perhaps if Bryan, as the originator of the thread, gave us a few examples of vulgarity in his conlang that something would come to my mind. Boudewijn Rempt |