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Re: Vulgarity

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Thursday, June 3, 1999, 0:08
Kristian Jensen wrote:
> > Sally Caves wrote: > > >Bryan Maloney wrote: > >> > >> To misquote my favorite composer: > >> > >> "If it's made for lovin', it's got to stay out of reach. > >> For you can't take it out on the beach!" > >> > >> So, who has worked out any convulgarity? > > > >Oh, T. is full of it, but only the most commonplace or outlandish > >expressions am I willing to give glosses of. > > > Go ahead! -and that includes everyone who can. I'm curious to what > vulgarities different conlangs can muster. When a conlang can > already express vulgarity with its own flavor, then it must be well > developed. I have yet to go that far. > > -kristian- 8-)
Oh, it was basically to be able to swear without swearing, if you know what I mean, when I was young and swearing was so proscribed. But I got old and cynical in graduate school and swearing in English didn't seem so difficult. ;-) Oh, it was stuff like (in T.) you "pus puddle," "you venereal disease," "you monkey dog's diseased penis." You know, I can't even give you the stuff in original Teonaht... it's still too private! It was my area where I could be completely secretive. But it would be fun to make up some new ones (those I gave are just approximations), sort of on the order of what someone did once on a list that had me LOL: I'm sure most of you have seen it. They gathered a list of Shakespearean adjectives in one column, Shakespearean present progressives in another, and Shakespearean nouns in the third column. To "insult" someone, you drew at random from all three columns: You injurious pond-scuzzling pud, etc. It would be fun to draw up such a list for Teonaht. Or any other conlang. Sally