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Re: Vulgarity

From:Brian Betty <bbetty@...>
Date:Thursday, June 3, 1999, 13:12
Sally wrote: "Oh, it was basically to be able to swear without swearing, if
you know what I mean, when I was young and swearing was so proscribed. But
I got old and cynical in graduate school and swearing in English didn't
seem so difficult."

Yah, I used to say "Gods-blasted," "Gods-cursed," and the like. These were
are learned from Dragonlance or from historical tesxts. By far my favorite
was one my best amigo Chad found in some Old Norse saga somewhere: "Odin's
iron pizzle!" and "Frejya's Frosty Teats!"

And yes, Shakespeare was enlightening, too: "'sblood!"


Tomboy: "a wench that skippeth as a boy."
- Richard Verstegen, 1605

"Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo."
- H.G. Wells