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Gevey: new Babel text (part 1)

From:Rik Roots <rikroots@...>
Date:Monday, December 17, 2001, 0:33
Following on from the major structural changes that have affected Gevey
over the past year (which, thankfully, have now settled down), the time has
come to re-translate the Babel text.

This time around, I have tweaked the original text to make it fit in better
with the conculture: it is no longer a biblical tale about the birth of the
family of languages, but rather an allegory of the arrival of humanity to
the planet.

I'll try to complete the translation tomorrow. Comments are always welcome...

Onu ye doscisem lez doscathee galn'hietesh Kaliedan huucatheh, pitse lez
gotothee feeg yesh wadosac.
Frudhathee elhs yuu cusk cat yuu eragolhg ista'Cantaguubz idene druush
nazel puuzothee. Al sete meevatee: "yuuzh jedh brav nezhlanoe ghep yuu
luzent zhek ko'wages ruu sou segwithalta suukh oc isol". Brois stigatee yuu
jeth nets yuu yook al yuu braup nets yuu dviegel elhs. Meevatee felateh
sete: "Ye vopash stosh ye Uhrtalhk zhek yuu ison goeg ro sou sekalta oc
stav nezhlanoe isol ist'isos retaso isolt ta'drhelhuuks yuu cong kats yuu
goshtehr, rhuutap sanoe paunanti isokh ta'vuhvuuksesh al ta'shkuubuuksim

Onu ye doscisem lez doscathee galn'hietesh Kaliedan huucatheh,
    {free clause}
    onu  - one [coordinating conjunction, numerical]
    doscisme (ye doscisem) - language [direct object]
    lez - [continuous completion verb particle]
    doscan (lez doscathee)  - speak, talk [principal verb]
    galn'hiete (ye galn'hiet) - people [causative subject]
    Kalieda (ya Kalied) - Kalieda [genetive]
    huuc-eh - previously, at that time [adverb]
    *At that time the people of Kalieda spoke one language*

pitse lez gotothee feeg yesh wadosac.
    {tethered clause, derived from free clause}
    pits - also, too [coordinating conjunction, additional]
    [causative subject tethered to conjunction]
    gotan  (lez gotothee) - use [principal verb]
    feeg  - same [coordinating conjunction, equative]
    wadosce (ye wadosac) - word [direct object]
    *and used the same words.*

Frudhathee elhs yuu cusk cat yuu eragolhg ista'Cantaguubz
    {free clause}
    frudhan (frudhathee) - find [principal verb]
    elhs - they [causative subject]
    cuskuu (yuu cusk) - plain [direct object]
    cat - for [coordinating conjunction, actionable]
    eragolhguu (yuu eragolhg) - settlement [direct object]
    Cantaguu (yuu Cantag), sta'Cantaguubz - in Cantagu [indirect object,
    *They found a place to settle, in the land of Cantagu,*

idene druush nazel puuzothee.
    {tethered clause, derived from qualified temporal clause}
    iden - after [temporal conjunction, sequential independent]
    [causative subject tethered to conjunction]
    nazluu (yuu nazel) - star [direct object]
    puuzen (puuzothee) - arrive [principal verb, motive]
    *after they arrived from the stars.*

Al sete meevatee:
    {free clause}
    al - and [coordinating conjunction, inclusive]
    sete - they between themselves [causative subject - reflexive inclusive]
    meevan (meevatee) - say [principal verb]
    *And they said to one another:*

[zhek ko'wages ruu sou segwithalta suukh oc]
    {guest clause 1}
    zhek [relative conjunction, subject entry]
    wage (ye wag), ko'wages - using the sun [indirect object, systemic]
    segwithan (ruu sou segwithalta) - harden [principal verb]
    suukh  - themselves [direct object, reflexive external]
    oc [relative conjunction, direct object hook]

"yuuzh jedh brav nezhlanoe ghep yuu luzent zhek ko'wages ruu sou
segwithalta suukh oc isol".
    {free clause}
    jethuu (yuu jeth) - brick [direct object]
    brav - can [conditional verb particle, an ability or belief]
    nezhlan (nezhlanoe) - manufacture [principal verb]
    ghep  - from [coordinating conjunction, resultant]
    luznuu (yuu luzent) - clay [direct object]
    zhek ko'wages ruu sou segwithalta suukh oc - [guest clause 1]
    isol - we [causative subject]
    *"we shall make bricks from clay, baking the clay in the sun",*

Brois stigatee yuu jeth nets yuu yook al yuu braup nets yuu dviegel elhs.
    {qualified clause}
    brois - so, thus [dependent conjunction]
    stigan (stigatee) - have [principal verb]
    jethuu (yuu jeth) - brick [direct object]
    nets  - for [coordinating conjunction, posessive]
    yookuu (yuu yook) - stone [direct object]
    braupuu (yuu braup) - bitumen, tar [direct object]
    dviegluu (yuu dviegel) - mortar [direct object]
    elhs - they [causative subject]
    *and they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar.*

Meevatee felateh sete:
    {free clause}
    meevan - say [principal verb]
    fel-eh - then [adverb]
    sete - they between themselves [causative subject - reflexive inclusive]
    *Then they said:*

[zhek yuu ison goeg ro sou sekalta oc]
    {relative clause 2}
    goeguu (yuu goeg) - dwelling, communal home [direct object]
    ison - our [genetive]
    sekan (ro sou sekalta) - become [principal verb]

"Ye vopash stosh ye Uhrtalhk zhek yuu ison goeg ro sou sekalta oc stav
nezhlanoe isol ist'isos
    {free clause}
    vopshe (ye vopash) - city [direct object]
    stosh - labelled, called, known as [coordinating conjunction, labeller]
    Uhrtalhke (ye Uhrtalhk) - Urtalkas [direct object]
    zhek yuu ison goeg ro sou sekalta oc - [relative clause 2]
    stav - can [conditional verb particle, an emphatic belief]
    nezhlan (nezhlanoe) - build, erect [principal verb]
    isol - we [causative subject]
    ist'isos - for us [indirect object, systemic]

retaso isolt ta'drhelhuuks yuu cong kats yuu goshtehr,
    {tethered clause, derived from qualified temporal clause}
    retas [temporal conjunction, sequential dependent]
    [causative subject tethered to conjunction]
    isolt - we build [principal verb, predicate pronoun]
    drhelhuu (yuu drhel), ta'drhelhuuks - towards the clouds [indirect
object, motive]
    conhuu (yuu cong) - tower [direct object]
    kats - with [coordinating conjunction, instrumental]
    goshtruu (yuu goshtehr) - spire [direct object]
    *"we shall build ourselves a city called Urtalkas, and a tower with its
spire in the clouds,*
    *and we shall make a home for ourselves, *

rhuutap sanoe paunanti isokh ta'vuhvuuksesh al ta'shkuubuuksim rha'cohmpuus".
    {qualified dependent clause}
    rhuutap - whereas, otherwise [dependent conjunction, contrasting]
    paunan (sanoe paunanti) - scatter [principal verb, incidental]
    isokh - ourselves [causative subject, relative external pronoun]
    vuhvuu (yuu vuhv), ta'vuhvuuksesh - towards the lands [indirect object,
    shkuubuu (yuu shkuub), ta'shkuubuuksim - towards the continents
[indirect object, motive]
    cohmpuu (yuu cohmp), rha'cohmpuus - of the planet [group noun, systemic]
    *otherwise we shall be scattered across the lands and continents of the

At that time the people of Kalieda spoke one language and used the same
words. They found a place to settle, in the land of Cantagu, after they
arrived from the stars. And they said to one another: "we shall make bricks
from clay, baking the clay in the sun", and they had brick for stone, and
bitumen for mortar. Then they said: "we shall build ourselves a city called
Urtalkas, and a tower with its spire in the clouds, and we shall make a
home for ourselves, otherwise we shall be scattered across the lands and
continents of the planet".
