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Re: Typologic survey, part II

From:D Tse <exponent@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 31, 2001, 5:43
Name of the participating conlang:


(same as on part I please :) )

Is the order GN, NG or both?


How is it shown?

-Suffix on the genitive.

Does the language have a closed class of adjectives?


- If yes,
    - how are they shown? (see question 2 above)
    - list them

-In the form NA. (List them?)

How are they similar, how do they differ from verbs and nouns?

-Adjectives only have to agree with noun in number. They all carry the same
ending (-s), as opposed to nouns which can end in (a,e,i,o,u,r,m,p) and
verbs which can end in (a,e,i,o,u,y).

Can they take a copula (that is: need/don't need equivalent of "to be")?

-I *think* it's optional.

---- END part II ----


Thank you.
