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Re: CHAT: feckly off-topic (was: THEORY: Storage Vs. Computation)

From:Boudewijn Rempt <bsarempt@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 22, 1999, 21:46
On Tue, 22 Jun 1999, Nik Taylor wrote:

> > Well, you could always use *both*, if you have sufficient webspace. I, > having RealAudio, greatly prefer that over *.wav files, since it's so > much faster to download, but not everyone can play RealAudio, so *.wav > is good, too. >
Well, the space is getting a bit problematical. We've fifteen megs at xs4all - where we have a shell account, so we can upload a zipfile, unzip it and have a mirror of our own webserver. But we like to make the zip available for people who like to read a whole site off-line, like we do (we have copies of your site, Pablo's, Sally's, Patrick's, Herman's, Ed's and Matthias's), but at six mb it's weighing in. Anyway, I haven't got the tools to make real-audio, and most of the examples in the grammar should download in a few seconds, as they are fairly short. Have you plans to put some recordings on the web? Boudewijn Rempt |