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Re: CHAT: feckly off-topic (was: THEORY: Storage Vs. Computation)

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Sunday, June 20, 1999, 2:07 writes:
> >Of course, my taste is skewed. I think Hebrew is inexpressibly beautiful, >and french sounds like someone gargling with whipped cream. Spanish >sounds tinny, but Portuguese sounds rich and full. Chinese just makes me >nervous, and I cannot endure German at all. > >Nothing beats Latin, though.
Personally i think Spanish is one of the prettier languages i have heard (it sounds wonderful in Salsa songs =) ). French to me sounds like someone's trying to get something out of their throat, German even more so. Portuguese sounds somewhat russian to me or at least mispronounced Spanish =). Mandarin is beautiful but cantonese is hard and much to sing-song. But i do love Japanese, so soft and light. And i think latin sounds stiff and technical =). ____________________________________________________________________ "Bailando en el fuego con un gran deseo" - India ____________________________________________________________________