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Re: CHAT! Alien-ness (was Re: I'm new!)

From:H. S. Teoh <hsteoh@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 25, 2000, 0:55
On Tue, Oct 24, 2000 at 06:30:27PM -0400, Jim Hopkins wrote:
> agree with you T that for me God is the only happiness there it. I consider > God to be the Great Mystery, the Unknowable Essence behing and within all and > yet in some indefinable way connected personally to me and to all beings - > each experiencing this in her/his/its own way.
[snip] I believe that God is a living person, living inside me, with His own likes and dislikes, preferences, and personality, and working to achieve His goal. My view of the Christian life is not at all what the common perception of it is -- it's not at all a matter of conforming to a set of rules and behaving a certain way. If it were, I would be the first person to not be a Christian, because I hate to conform to what others tell me to be. Rather, I believe in developing a living, personal relationship with God, and I believe that this relationship will automatically cause me to live and act according to the principles in the Bible. God Himself is the One who will make me the way He wants -- not my trying to conform to some rules I impose on myself. This freedom, I find, is what stimulates my creativity -- I am free to be who I am, not struggling to be a certain way or act a certain way, but just trusting that He will make me what He wants me to be. I used to be oppressed with self-condemnation, disappointed at why I'm not what I think I should be; but after I discovered this secret, I find that the freedom and lightness of heart just makes me spontaneously creative and innovative, just like the creative and innovative God. Anyway, I do not intend to offend anyone here whose beliefs are contrary to mine; but this is just my personal experience, my personal testimony. T