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Re: Regularized Inglish

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Thursday, September 30, 1999, 14:15
Thomas R. Wier scripsit:
> > Nik Taylor wrote: > > > "Thomas R. Wier" wrote: > > > Why the arbitrary distinction? Wouldn't he say reading and writing are > > > both equally important, even in the age of spellcheckers? > > > > I don't think it's arbitrary. Having multiple ways of indicating the > > same sound allows one to distinguish homophones, like /no/ as "no" and > > "know", or however Regularized Inglish does it. > > Well, what I was saying is that saying reading takes precedence > over writing is an arbitrary one -- there's no theoretical reason > It is true, as > John pointed out, that people read more often than they write, > but that doesn't mean they don't need to write -- *everyone* > needs to be able to do both (in our information society, usually > every day), hopefully with proficiency.
Sure. But it means that the needs of readers (efficient spelling-to- sound algorithm, homonyms may be useful) overweigh the needs of writers (efficient sound-to-spelling algorithm, homonyms are baggage) as a matter of engineering trade-offs. Plus there is the question of backwards compatibility (for which "b&kwardz c@mp&tIbIlIti" doesn't cut it, not by a long shot).
> That's the problem we're faced with: > the orthographic system we have now is a mess: it's inconsistent > even where it's trying to be consistent (as in, not adhering to > phonemic spelling all the time).
Reforming the spelling to a Czech-style one-phoneme-one-sound involves discarding too much of the past. Regularized Inglish can be transformed programmatically into Regularized Inglish and (almost) vice versa: any such program for phonemic spelling breaks down on homographs such as "bow", which is /bAw/ for "bend at the waist", /bow/ for "arrow shooter". -- John Cowan I am a member of a civilization. --David Brin