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Re: quantitative meter, accent and verse form

From:Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
Date:Thursday, April 18, 2002, 19:38
On Wed, 17 Apr 2002 17:49:22 -0400 Andreas Johansson <and_yo@...>
> Dan Jones wrote: > >William Annis escreva: > >> 1) if anyone has created any languages where vowel > >>quantity is significant;
- Actually, Rokbeigalmki has phonemic vowel quantity, although i didn't originally plan to have it. Rokbeigalmki vowels can come in three lengths: 'normal', ex. |a| (plain vowel) 'accent-lengthened', ex. |á| (vowel + rising accent mark) 'tilde-lengthened', ex. |ã| (vowel + tilde) Accent-lengthened vowels are found in the stressed syllable(s) of names (which is why names are always marked for their accented syllable), and in the last vowelled syllable of construct compounds: stíígiyus (stIIgiyus) ['sta:jgijus] ~ Stygius, my 2nd ElendorMUSH character urgámn (urgAmn) [ur'ga:mn=] ~ Elnar, my 1st ElendorMUSH character ^aole^lesnam [aw'lE:lEs'na:m] = "artistic-creation of languages" (conlanging) aole [awlE] = "artistic-creation" lesnam [lEsnam] = "languages" Tilde-lengthened vowels are generally associated with 'big' and 'powerful' and 'strong' words derived from other words. There are also other words that use tilde-lengthening, but not all of them seem to have this intensive meaning. Many tilde-lengthened words developed when the phoneme /H/ |hh| (voiceless pharyngeal fricative) almost completely dropped out of the language, leaving two same or similar vowels adjacent to each other. yãmil (ya~mil) [ja::mil] = "north"; see |yamli| 'right' kõz (ko~z) [ko::z] = "find"; as of yet no *|koz| attested he~t [hE::t] = "nostril"; see |het| 'smell' (note: |hetmoo| "nose" is derived from |he~t|, from |he~tmu| "pair of nostrils") galãlag [gala::lag] = "tsunami", from |galahhalag|, from |gal| "wave" shus [Sus] = "want" shu~s [Su:s] = "desire, yearn" Actually, besides distinguishing between the parts of construct compounds and their independent words, there is a pair of words which are only distinguished by their accent-lengthening: ilúka (ilUka) [ilu:ka] = "such a" íluká (IlukA) [i:luka:] = "the same as" ilúka (ilUka) lihrihkh oz = "he's such an annoying person." íluká (IlukA) ish ez = "you're the same as her." -Stephen (Steg) "hey hey! ho ho! this orange peel has got to go!" ~ what happens to my friend saH after too many political rallies