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Re: TRANSLATION: Sabaoth (cf Steg Belsky and msgs # 130585 & prequelae)

From:Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
Date:Wednesday, July 6, 2005, 19:48
On Jul 5, 2005, at 12:28 PM, Tom Chappell wrote:
> Hello, I hope this question is appropriate for this list. > In an answer I can no longer locate, Steg Belsky told me that he did > not know where the idea that '"Sabaoth" could be interpreted as > "Almighty"' came from.  > WebBible.html and say that LXX (which I take it > means the Septuagint) use the Greek word meaning "Almighty" to > translate the Hebrew word we transliterate as "Sabaoth" whenever it is > used as part of God's name or title.
I don't know enough about the Septuagint in order to evaluate that claim.
> They (that is, WebBible.html and and the other > top ten Google responders) say that "Sabaoth", which could refer > either to "the Heavenly Hosts" or "the armies of Israel", does not > appear as a title for God in the first 6 or 7 books of the Old > Testament, but appears frequently in the Prophetic books.
According to a quick search at Snunit's Scripture Collection , the combination _YHVH Tzeva'ot_ first appears in the 8th book of the Bible, Samuel (part 1, chapter 1, verse 3). Interestingly enough, the noun _tzeva'ot_ "armies/hosts" itself appears only twice before that, once in the opposite compound _Tziv'ot YHVH_ ("hosts of God") in Exodus 12:41, and once without a God reference, refering to _sarey tzeva'ot_ "leaders of hosts" of the Israelites in Deuteronomy 20:9.
> They also say that it is not always entirely clear that "Sabaoth" > should be translated as "of hosts"; perhaps the Septuagint was closer > to the mark in using "Almighty", sometimes.
Another name, _Shadai_, is generally what's translated as "Almighty". -Stephen (Steg) "Enthrone your pasts: this done, fire and old blood will find you again: better hearts' breaking than worlds'." "Dethrone the past: this done, day comes up new though empty-hearted: O the long silence, my son!" ~ from _the romulan way_ by diane duane & peter morwood