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Re: Unamerican

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 3, 2000, 21:02
bjm wrote:
>>That's pretty much how "unamerican" is used. "Whatever my political >>group doesn't like". >barry garcia wrote: >Of course, during the 50's it was part of the name of the "House >Unamerican Activities Committee" That was a part of that whole Red Scare. >
A long, depressing and undistinguished history. The term has been used almost exclusively by the right to beat the center>left over the head. Those reasonable & thoughtful folks who suggested that KKK, Joe McCarthy, militias et al. might also be "unamerican" are by and large laughed out of court......So it's amusing and encouraging (re the original post) to hear it from the gay community. And about time! Perhaps one reason Europeans (or non-Americans in general?) seem to have less trouble with such concepts is that, unlike us, they have known & experienced _real_ leftists-- in the form of parents, relatives, sons & daughters, co-workers etc etc.-- and found that they were not demons. Familiarity can also undo contempt.