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Re: Montreiano Orthography

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Thursday, October 19, 2000, 20:27
> >So, does the language make distinction between [b] and [B], phonemically?
Yes, it does. Orthographically, there is no distinction
>Btw, the stop : fricative alternation is shown for b/B and d/D, but >not for g.
Thats because I havent quite figured out that alternation. Can you help give me ideas how it came about in the other Romance langs?
> > >>Accents: generally, for the long vowels, è, and ò, the stress usually >>falls on them (because of their length). > >Only two long vowels? With a natlang I'd check if they are actually >diphthongs (some /e@/, /o@/). >
Well, i was trying to come up with a solution that wasnt like the other romance langs. Christophe suggested i could turn /E/ and /O/ to /e:/ and /o:/. So, would they instead really be the diphthongs you suggested? (i notice when i attempt to pronounce /e:/ it starts to come out as /ej/. (this is starting to veer towards a more "natural" Con Romance Lang) _______________________________________________ L A S T R E L L A G R A N D - E L M U N D O N Ò U O