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Re: Dacán -- a new romance lang.

From:Elliott Lash <al260@...>
Date:Saturday, December 2, 2000, 0:57
Basilius ániyë

 As for possible influence: it seems that all Slavic langs build 11-19 as
 'one on (i. e. above) ten' etc. Romanian does calque this feature:
 11 - un-spre-zece (IIRC), that is, *unum super decem.

This is a really cool idea, i was kinda thinking that the inherited forms
are too mundane. Perhaps instead of:

undici                 /wUnd'I"tS'/
dodici                 /dOd'I"tS'/
tridici                /tr'Id'I"tS'/
paddici              /p@d'I"tS'/
pindici              /p'Ind'I"tS'/  (where did this come from?)
sidici                  /S'Id'I"tS'/
dici i sidi           /d'ItSIS'I"d'/
dici i udi            /d'ItSIwU:d'/
dici i novi          /d'ItSInO:v'/

I could have:
 un-sra-dici  /wUnzr@d'ItS'/      (< spra < supra)
 do-sra-dici     /dOzr@d'ItS'/
 tris-sra-dici  /tr'Isr@d'ItS'/
 cádus-sra-dici  /tS'IdUsr@d'itS'/
 cim-sra-dici /tS'Imzr@d'ItS'/
 sis-sra-dici  /S'Isr@d'ItS'/
 sidi-sra-dici  /S'Id'Izr@d'ItS'/
 udi-sra-dici   /wUd'izr@d'itS'/
 novi-sra-dici  /nOv'Izr@d'itS'/

The stress falls on the numeral (that is the un, do, tris, cádus etc).
For two syllable numerals the stress is on the second.

 Besides, in Russian only _odin_ behaves like usual adjective; the rest
 require the counted noun in genetive, at least with Nom. of the numeral
 (the rules are different for different numbers, sometimes the required
 form is Gen. Sg. or special 'counting form'). /

 Other Slavic langs, too, like various oddities with numbers (e. g. special
 'counting form' of nouns in Bulgarian, which otherwise has lost almost
 all declension forms).

 It would be cool if you e. g. preserve the Genetive (plural) as the
 counting form of nouns.

I had already thought of this. It is a cool idea.

1st declension nouns:
    ora  "hour"  /Or@/
nom sing:  ora
gen sing:   ure  /UrE/
nom plur:   ure /UrE/
gen plur:    oral /Ora"l/   (the -arum > aru > ar, except when preceded by r,
then > al)

2nd declension:
    amic "friend"  /@m'Ik/
nom sing: amic
gen sing:  amici  /@m'ItS'/
nom plur:  amici /@m'ItS'/
gen plur:   amicor   /@m'IkwO"r/  (the -w- is from the -u in the ending,
before it dropped out)

3rd declension:
     pidi /p'Id'/  "foot"
nom sing: pidi
gen sing:  pidis  /p'Id'Is/
nom plur:  pidis /p'Id'Is/
gen plur:   pidór   /p'IdwO"r/

haven't figured out the outcomes of the fourth and fifth tho.

Thanks for the suggestions!!!
