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Re: Dacán -- a new romance lang.

From:Vasiliy Chernov <bc_@...>
Date:Friday, December 1, 2000, 16:21
On Thu, 30 Nov 2000 21:41:23 -0600, Microtonal <microtonal@...>

>Elliott Lash wrote:
>> padur /padU"r/ >> cimbe /tS'ImbE/ > >These two numbers strike me as having an opposite development of what >they should. > >CL quattuor & quinque > >Assuming your ultimate sound change (kw -> tS), we get: > >/tSadUr/ & /tSImbE/
For some reason, most Romance natlangs have some *cinque or even *cinco (*cincum?) as the protoform for their 'five'. Probably, a dissimilation.
>But you want some slavic influence. Russian (& general Slavic, as far as >I know) for 5 is /pjat/.
Proto-Slav *pE~tI ("I" for "reduced" /i/; in Russian transcriptions below, it's for narrow, central, non-rounded) As for possible influence: it seems that all Slavic langs build 11-19 as 'one on (i. e. above) ten' etc. Romanian does calque this feature: 11 - un-spre-zece (IIRC), that is, *unum super decem. Besides, in Russian only _odin_ behaves like usual adjective; the rest require the counted noun in genetive, at least with Nom. of the numeral (the rules are different for different numbers, sometimes the required form is Gen. Sg. or special 'counting form'). Other Slavic langs, too, like various oddities with numbers (e. g. special 'counting form' of nouns in Bulgarian, which otherwise has lost almost all declension forms). It would be cool if you e. g. preserve the Genetive (plural) as the counting form of nouns.
>In case you don't already have it, here's the Russian numbers up to 20: > >odin /@din/
rather, /V'd_jin/ - m.; f. is odna /Vd'na/, n. - odno /Vd'nO/
>dva /dva/
m./n.; f. is dvye /dv_je/
>tri /t4i/
/tr_ji/, with palatalized alveolar vibrant.
>ch'tiri /tS@'ti"4i"/
chetyre /t_S_je'tIr_je/
>pyat' /pjat/
/p_jat_j/; all other ending in 'soft sign', too, have a palatalized consonant.
>dyevat' /'djEv@t/
dyevyat' /'d_jev_jet_j/
>dyesat' /'djEs@t/
dyesyat' /'d_jes_jet_j/
>odinadsat' /@'din@dts@t/
odinnadtsat' /V'd_jinn@t_s@t_j/ All from 11 to 19 are spelled with -dts- (-nadtsat' is a contraction of na-dyesyat' 'onto ten'): dvyenadtsat' /dv_je'nat_s@t_j/ trinadtsat' /tr_ji'nat_s@t_j/ chetyrnadtsat' /t_S_je'tIrn@t_s@t_j/ pyatnadtsat' /p_jet'nat_s@t_j/ shestnadtsat' /Ses'nat_s@t_j/ syemnadtsat' /s_jem'nat_s@tj/ vosyemnadtsat' /v@s_jem'nat_s@t_j/ dyevyatnadtsat' /d_jev_jet'nat_s@t_j/ Basilius