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New language grammar--what needs work?

Date:Wednesday, November 23, 2005, 0:41
Check your reply-tos.

I have a new language proposal.  I don't have vocabulary or anything,
but here's the (highly disorganized) grammar.  I don't have a website,
so I have to post it here.  What do you think needs work?

Vowels: a (_e_lbow), e (_A_labama), i (V_ea_l), o (fi: ö), u (fi: y)
Dipthongs: ei, oi, uo
Consonants: c (s), v (f), h (_kh_ochu), l, m, n, s (sh), t (th)
Clusters: hl, hm, hn, tl, tm, tn

Syllable formats: CV, CV'V (this is not a dipthong, separated by '),
CVn (can only appear at the end of a word)

Sentence order is free with the first item being emphasized.  There
are no articles.

Subject and object can be skipped if they can be filled by endings in the verb.

Noun structure

noun base root + modifiers + [[noun base root + modifiers] + ...] +
plurality + case
Modifiers are parsed right to left, so Root1 Modifier1 Modifier2 Root2
Root3 Modifier3 is a Root1 that is both Modifier1, Modifier2, as a
"compound word" with Root2 and a Root3 that is Modifier3

*specifying a number is allowed and indicates that number of objects.
*leave it out to specify singular.
*quantity listings, like "few" or "many", are used for plurals

Cases: As many or as few of these cases as needed can be used.  The
arrangement of these cases allows several ideas in each sentence.

Subject: Indicates the subject of the sentence.
Object: Indicates the object of the sentence.
Method: Indicates the method of the sentence.
Temporal: Indicates the time of the sentence.
Assistive: Indicates an object used to help perform the action.
Obstructive: Indicates an object that hindered the action.
Cause: Indicates the cause of the action.
Result: Indicates the effect of the action.
Means: How the action happened.

Because I ran out of gas, I had to run a mile through the woods to the
bus stop this morning, and take the bus to work.  The end result was
that I was covered in sweat.
Equivalent with cases
distance-long-woods-inside-MEANS stop-bus-OBJECT morning-TEMPORAL
work-arrival-RESULT me-covering-sweat-RESULT

The following tenses exist: I, you, they, the-object-of-this-sentence,
the-subject-of-this-sentence.  They must also be used with pronouns if

A verb consists of the following structure:

verb root + all applicable tense markers + subject tense marker +
object tense marker.

Tense markers consist of the following: past, present, future,
conditional, subjunctive, negative, command.

Subject and object tense markers refer to the real subject or object.
If either of these is simply I, you, or they, a separate pronoun is
not necessary.  If they are pluralized or refer to a separate item in
the sentence, they must be marked as such.

Subclauses: each subclause begins and ends with a particle.

Adverbs are added to the verb root.


Jim Henry <jimhenry1973@...>