Re: Some Sound Changes
From: | Jeffrey Jones <jsjonesmiami@...> |
Date: | Wednesday, February 14, 2007, 4:42 |
On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 16:24:13 -0500, Alex Fink
<a4pq1injbok_0@...> wrote:
>...>On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 02:01:01 -0500, Jeffrey Jones
>>I just made a set of sound changes for yet another new project that I'd like
>>opinions on. I don't think I have the correct form, but I hope it will be
>Most of my observations were made by John V; I'd just add that in
>> 7. tj, dj > ts), dz)
>I'd expect /t_hj/ > /ts)_h/ as well, to later turn to /s/ in step 9. I
>think langs with affricates and aspirated stops overwhelmingly have
>aspirated affricates, and your three stop series seem to pattern together
>before this.
OK, I may have to change the order of some rules, since I'd like /t_hj/ to come
out as [C], not [s].
>...>Altogether, nicely done and naturalistic-feeling. And I too would like to
>see phonotactics.
Thanks. It's been a long time since I tried to do more than 1-step sound
changes. The phonotactics depends partly on what I do with the morphology,
which is in progress.