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Re: demonstratives

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Monday, February 19, 2001, 21:33

> As I'm doing my demonstrative system in elenyo right now, I was wondering > how other people had done this. Do you have seperate demonstratives to > demonstrative pronouns or are they combined? Do they show case etc?
My current artlang S2 (not published yet, no final name yet) only has one determiner. I don't have many words yet, only descriptive English abbreviations and some grammar. I'll call the determiner `DET', therefore. The determiner may either mean `that' or `that' depending on context. S2: I read DET book. E: I read this/that book. To clarify what is meant, `DET' may be modified (like in Tokana). But there is no `here' or `there' because this translates to `DET place' in S2 (like in Mandarin, but without the distinction between `zhe4 li3' and `na4 li3'). Some of the allowed modifiers are allowed are: `near', `far', `I', `you', `he/she/it': S2: I read near DET book. E: I read this book. S2: I read far DET book. E: I read that book. S2: I read I DET book. E: I read this book (at the place where I am). S2: I read you DET book. E: I read that book (at the place where you are). S2: I read he DET book. E: I read that book (at the place where he is). **Henrik