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Re: Spoken Thoughts ( My second, better formed, non crappy Language)

From:Eruanno none <eruanno@...>
Date:Friday, December 29, 2000, 3:46
>Alternatively, just forget the article and use demonstratives instead. >The Sinitic languages (Chinese "dialects") and Malay/Indonesian don't have >articles, and they use demonstratives ("this" and "that") instead. My >conlang doesn't have articles either. IMNSHO, articles are cumbersome and >redundant (except perhaps they're forgiveable in Attic Greek, where they >are much more flexible than in English). Context usually makes it clear >the scope of your nouns anyway, so why bother? :-)
Could you give me an example of demonstratives that could take the place of articles? And explain why Greek articles are forgivable...
>And don't worry if your conlang "copies" features of another language -- >the fact is, youu can never 100% copy how something works from another >language (unless it's deliberate), and your unique combination of features >is what makes your conlang special, not necessarily the originality of >each feature.
Ok, thanks for reassuring me. Trust me, I don't want to do this thing half-assed ( forgive the term ). Hantale, Eruanno
>-- >Don't modify spaghetti code unless you can eat the consequences.
Now that is some word from the wise! You know how many times I have tried to help newbies to C++ on IRC and all their code is spaghetti code? Lol _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at