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Re: Caste Languages

From:Eric Norton <enorton@...>
Date:Thursday, November 21, 2002, 0:21
Out of lurking because this makes me wonder, "where did I run across
Anyone know the name of the natural language which is pronounced differently
based on gender?
Can't recall where I saw the info.
Men and women speak with significantly different pronunciation to the point
where, to an outsider, the languages would appear to be dialects.
Sound familiar or did I dream it?

-----Original Message-----
From: Constructed Languages List [mailto:CONLANG@LISTSERV.BROWN.EDU]On
Behalf Of Hiro M.
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 7:44 AM
Subject: Caste Languages

I remember an episode of Babylon 5 where Delenn told
that each of the three Minbari castes (Worker Caste,
Warrior Caste, and Religious Caste) had its own

Has anyone ever attempted to create a language that
splits into three similar but distinct dialects due to
a cultural schism? Or what the three languages would
look like after thousands of years?



Arnt Richard Johansen <arntrich@...>
Eamon Graham <robertg@...>