Re: opinion and statements
From: | J Matthew Pearson <pearson@...> |
Date: | Saturday, June 23, 2001, 17:33 |
David Peterson wrote:
>...> Per usual, I have several problems with this. First of all, your opinion
> that there are such things as true statements is just that: an opinion. I'm
> of the opinion that there's no such thing as an absolute true statement
> because we're human. After all, we have two eyes, the average of which is
> what we perceive as "vision", and then we interpret what we see.
Minor quibble, which has little to do with your main point: There *is* such a
thing as absolutely true statements. For example, "Either penguins exist, or
penguins do not exist" (or indeed any sentence of the form "X or not X") is
always true, regardless of context, speaker intent, or perception. Some
statements--though admittedly, they're pretty artificial--do not rely for their
truth value on our interpretation of the state of the world.