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Pequeno (was Re: Pilovese in the Romance Language Family)

From:Haggen Kennedy <haggenkennedy@...>
Date:Thursday, April 3, 2008, 14:04
	Hi. :)

Scotto Hlad wrote:
> So then pequeno and poco come from the same root?
Er... actually no, I don't believe it does. :/ See below.
> Pequeno is derived from pitzinus.
I don't know in Spanish. In Portuguese, "pouco" comes from Latin "paucus"; and "pequeno" is usually (there is still a little dissension about it) ascribed to some sort of crossover between Vulgar Latin "pitinnus" with the root "*pikk-" (present in Italian 'piccolo', 'piccino'). If you read Corominas, he'll say that "pequen-" belongs to the "la vasta colección de expresiones romances de la idea de pequeñez (it. pìccolo, piccìno, fr. petit, sardo pithinnu, gascón pouninn, etc.) constituídas todas ellas por una p inicial, seguida, por lo común, de vocal aguda, otra oclusiva sorda y en la terminación -innu. En latín vulgar se encuentra ya pitinnus, y en las formas hispánicas esta variante se presenta combinada con la consoante interna del tipo piccolo." (translating: pequen- belongs to the wide collection of romance expressions of littleness (it. pìccolo, piccìno, fr. petit, sardo pithinnu, gascón pouninn, etc.), constituted, all of them, of an initial P, usually followed by an acute vowel, of another unvoiced occlusive and of the ending -innu. In Vulgar Latin, there already exists [the word] pitinnus, and, in the Hispanic model, this variant presents itself combined with the inner consonant of the type "piccolo".) Corominas is Spanish, but what he said is true for Portuguese as well - the process he mentioned has existed in Portuguese since the very origins of the language, in words like apequenado, empequenecer, pequename, pequenete, pequenote etc. Benct Philip Jonsson wrote: > Meyer-Lübke's "Romanisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch" > rejects a connexion with PAUCUS I personally agree. > Meyer-Lübkes conclusion is that the root of > the Spanish _pequeño_ is unknown. As far as I know, there isn't a consensus yet, although most Romance etymologists tend to agree that it comes from the source I mention in the beginning of this e-mail. I actually agree with that view myself. Peace, Ken :)


Benct Philip Jonsson <melroch@...>
R A Brown <ray@...>Romance words for 'small' (was: Pequeno etc)