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Re: How big

From:Danny Wier <dawier@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 29, 2002, 22:54
Christopher B Wright wrote:
> How large were your languages when you instituted the last major change?
Tech, at this moment, consists of altered Semitic and Indo-European roots and borrowed words from Greek and Arabic and stuff. It has a significant vocabulary, but not much of a grammar. Just a few hundred basic roots. Incidentally, I was just thinking today of what a "double plural" (the Semitic broken plural of an Indo-European suffixed plural) might mean, probably the plural of a collective of the noun: example, the word <bank> forms a broken plural <bnuk> which itself forms a sound plural <bnuken>, meaning "groups of banks". All these forms are tentative of course. The Troll language LINCVA isn't a very serious project and is really only mangled Latin, so I have as many words as I have in a Latin wordlist, the one I got from A third conlang, Lake, has no words. I haven't started on it yet. ~Danny~