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Re: Poetry in conlangs, was Re: Metrical Stress, Feet, etc.

From:Benct Philip Jonsson <bpj@...>
Date:Wednesday, February 11, 2004, 13:38
At 21:03 10.2.2004, Ray Brown wrote:
>This inspires some questions for those of you who write poetry in your >conlangs: have you discovered that any particualar meter seems to work >well in your >language? > >I think this is the way to go. It's apparent even from the emails on this >list that different languages have different ways of expressing rhythm. It >should IMO come out of the language itself.
I þink Sohlob vyrs wud hav tu bé entírle silabl- kúnting, sins þe langwið hwen properle spókn -- not bí mé! -- haz nó fonólðicl cwontite distinkconz, vere wék & ynkontrastiv stres, myc lík Ðapanéz. Þis iz not Inglisc, ðyst an Inglisc-inspír'd speling for Ingliç. Hú hard iz it to réd for nátivz? /BP 8^) -- B.Philip Jonsson (delete X) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Truth, Sir, is a cow which will give [skeptics] no more milk, and so they are gone to milk the bull." -- Sam. Johnson (no rel. ;)