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Re: Group Conlang

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 14, 1998, 4:57
On Mon, 12 Oct 1998 12:58:13 -0500, Carlos Thompson
<cthompso@...> wrote:

>Case/PoS tags: >Will be as small as possible for most common concepts. >I would like no case tag for Theme/Topic. >I would like one letter case tag for patient, agent and predicate. >I wouldn't complain for flexing case tags, examples: >roots: rum, kal, og >case1: prum, ukal, pog >case2: orum, okal, wog
I prefer case 2 (although "wog" could also be a root). Otherwise we'll = have to be careful when creating roots like "prum" to make sure there isn't already a root "rum" and vice versa.
>I don't mean extrem cases like those above, but some flexibility could =
> >Agreeement: >I vote for agreement between modified and modifier not by case but by =
>element of the screeve, like the tense, dinamism, voice, aspect, number, >evidence or gender.
Agreed. :)